The database of 194 companies has shown a revenue contraction of 2.6%.
The rankings of the rest of the countries in top 10 have remained unchanged.
Load of particulates and nitrous oxides from cars reduced by about 40%.
Netflix is offering a freebie of one month's free service.
Petrol prices have been cut in small doses on 20 occasions.
Start-ups raised $5.70 billion in 2015.
The government must not enter into what will be a little more than a large-scale transfer of taxpayers' money to the operators of private hospitals.
An NSSO survey has revealed that some are using the new toilets as store rooms.
Opting for a pause on the government's fiscal deficit reduction plan is an easy way out.
Govt's focus on 'smart cities' is fine, but basic amenities must be put into place first.
The US economy has been growing comfortably for several quarters.
He will presumably choose to remain true to the framework he has put in place.
In 5 years, the average demand for gold has been 895 tonnes annually.
The recommendations will benefit 47 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners.
'It's not as if power demand is falling. It's that generation has outpaced demand.'
The RBI must first deal with the adverse turn of events in the CPI.
Of all the pulses, tur appears to be the most desired.
RBI has brought down forecasts of both year-end inflation and growth.